Category: Announcements

WIMS’14 Keynotes (Video)

The WIMS 2014 keynote talks are available from the following URLs: Semantic Technology for online, broadcast and print media by Jem Rayfield, The Financial Times Ltd. BIG DATA – from Hype to Reality by Richard Benjamins, Telefónica Digital Unfortunately the

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WIMS’14 Presentation Files and Photos

All presentation files of WIMS’14 are available at: Tree photo-galleries (one for each conference day) are available at Make sure you check them all three!

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WIMS’14 Proceedings (available)

The Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics (WIMS14) have become available. Please, check the WIMS’14 proceedings page in the ACM Digital Library. Here is a direct link to the Front Matter material (Title, Welcome Message,

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Sponsors Update

The Sponsors (and Supporters) page has been updated.

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Accommodation and Travel Info update

The Venue and Accommodation page was enriched with alternative accommodation solutions, as well as travel and city information. Check it out!

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WIMS’14 – Tutorials Page Update

The Tutorials page has been updated. The planned tutorial is as follows: Knowledge Sanitization on the Web Vasileios Kagklis, University of Patras, Vassilios S. Verykios, Hellenic Open University, Giannis Tzimas, Technological Educational Institute of Western Greece, Athanasios K. Tsakalidis, University

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Hotel Reservation Form

The hotel reservation form is now available in the Venue & Accomodation page.

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WIMS’14 – List of accepted papers

The review period has ended and the authors of the submitted papers have been notified. Here is the list of WIMS’14 accepted papers.

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Paper submission deadlines have been extended

Due to a number of requests we have decided to extend the paper submission deadlines for WIMS’14. NEW FIRM deadline for paper submission: February 28, 2014 Please check the updated deadlines in the Important Dates page.

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WIMS’14 Registration Fees and Venue

WIMS 2014 conference will be held in Porto Palace Hotel, a luxurious five-star hotel in the city of Thessaloniki. Low room prices have been secured for the WIMS 2014 attendees (75€/single, 85€/double). Registration fees for the conference are: Author /

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