Category: Announcements

WIMS’14 Workshop on Applications of Software Agents

The first workshop within WIMS’14 has been announced: 4th Workshop on Applications of Software Agents

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WIMS’14 – Call for Workshop & Tutorial Proposals

The calls for “Workshop Proposals” and “Tutorial Proposals” have been finalized.

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Call for Application and Case Study Papers

The “Call for Application and Case Study Papers” has been finalized. Please, check the details.

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WIMS’14 Keynotes

We have published details about the keynotes of WIMS’14.

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Best WIMS’14 papers in IJAIT

A selection of the best WIMS’14 papers will be invited to be revised and extended for the post-conference publication in the Special Issue of the International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools (IJAIT, These revised and extended papers will undergo

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WIMS’14 Call for Papers leaflet update

Minor updates in the WIMS’14 Call for Papers leaflet.

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Industrial Track Chair of WIMS’14

Dr John Davies from  BT Research & Innovation is the new Industrial Track Chair of WIMS’14.

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WIMS’14 General co-chair

Prof. Takahira Yamaguchi  from Keio University, Japan, is the new WIMS’14 General co-chair, along with Prof. Ioannis Vlahavas, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.

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ACM will publish the WIMS’14 proceedings

ACM has accepted the publication of the proceedings of WIMS’14 in the ACM Digital Library within its International Conference Proceedings Series.

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WIMS’14 Domain

The WIMS’14 site was moved to its own domain. Please update your bookmarks to:

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